All we need is love
Love for all,
Love for the planet,
Love for all species.
We’re all connected.
What can you do?
The most impactful and wonderful thing you can do is open yourself up to the world!
To see your oneness with all life. <3
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
All that we ask of you, please, is to be a responsible and loving member of this Earth <3
The Earth provides everything for us, we would be nothing without it, so please pledge to do your part to protect what is constantly protecting and providing for us!
This would be the greatest gift you could give us, the Earth, and yourself! <3
No more plastic bags!!!!
No plastic water bottles
Respect for all, respect for the planet!
We are all one <3
Adopt A Coral!!!!
For us, for you, for the WORLD!!!!
Please pledge (and follow through!)
No Plastic Bags!!!!!
Please keep reusable bags in the car with you. (They are 99 cents at Home Goods and Marshalls and will SAVE THE PLANET!!!) Plastic bags can NEVER break down and the U.S. absolutely does NOT recycle them!!!!!!!!
ALWAYS SAY NO to plastic bags!!!! We are better than that! The Earth deserves it!
No Plastic Water Bottles!!!!!!
We all live in places with clean water!!!!! There is absolutely 0 reason to use a plastic water bottle!!!!! DO NOT buy 24 packs of plastic water bottles and the like!
Do you have a water dispenser in your fridge? Use it! Refill reusable water bottles with it!
The planet has NEVER been lazy. Please do not kill the planet because of your laziness. (sorry love you so much but really PLEASE).
No single-use plastic!
There is no excuse to use something for 5-35 minutes that will last forever.
This is primarily an American problem where we use single-use plastic for everything, but it is NOT NECESSARY!
Bring reusable, and ask for no single-use plastic with your take-out.
Check your products!
In America, chemicals are NOT tested for safety before they enter the market. There are 80,000 high-production volume chemicals in every day products that have NEVER been tested for safety and many are extremely toxic (as we are finding out with the lagged effects of many of these toxins). Watch what you use, and try to use natural alternatives instead.
Don’t use toxic products that kill everything, because they will KILL EVERYTHING! And the effects last for generations or longer! Do not use Roundup, pesticides, or other toxic chemicals to kill things. BE RESPECTFUL TO LIFE!!!
Check your sunscreens!
Most sunscreens have toxic chemicals in them. They are absorbed into the blood and get stuck in your fat cells, and the fat cells of animals and wreak havoc on their hormone systems. (Causing infertility and other terrible effects). SPF is not your BFF, it can often be toxic. Please turn your sunscreens around and look at the back. Make sure there are no chemicals in the “active ingredients” panel. (If there are more than 2 ingredients, there is also a chemical).
Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are the only safe active ingredients in sunscreens.
Judge less, Understand more
All anybody truly wants in this world is to be loved, and to be understood. Everybody grew up differently, with different parents, different families, different structure, different backgrounds, but we are all the same and all want the same things. We may go about it in different ways, and some people’s backgrounds may view those ways as “wrong,” but it’s in the eye of the observer. Please try to open yourself up to be more loving and understanding of others, and of yourself. You are awesome! We all are awesome! We’ve just been led down some dark paths by society. But we can change that! Society is us, we shape society. So let’s shape it with love, with kindness, with understanding. Judgement leads to violence and hate. Love leads to love. Please choose love! <3
Observe & Appreciate
Observe and appreciate life. Observe and appreciate this wonderful planet and all of the incredible species within it. See and feel our interdependence. Nothing could be without everything else.
We all play a role, now what kind of role do you want to play?
Do you want to love and appreciate life and all of the beauty within it? Contribute positively to the whole? Make the world a better and more loving place?
Please do, because that’s why we love you!
One with life, one with all.
<3 <3
Restore the planet
For only $29, you can adopt a super coral to help restore balance to the ocean and health to the world’s reefs.
We have always depended on the corals for life, now they depend on us.